Heaaaahhhhh, skrg aku stelah minggu kemaren aku males-malesan, sekarang mood ku udah berubah jadi mood assingment... Sipppp..
bangun pagi maunya ud ngetik.. (terdengar mustahil bagi seorang ageng, tapi percayalah.... percayalah bahwa itu mustahil... hehehhe... ya nggak lah, beneran ini..)
Ummm, paper ini tentang uhuuuukkkk (*batukkk) Renewable and sustainable energy..
Sepertinya terdengar boring kan..
Tapi memang IYA... hahahahahahah....
Lah gimana, ngomong wind farm, eh di protes dimana-mana gara-gara polusi suaranya.. Sampe muncul istilah "Please NIMBY (not in my back yard)"..
Ngomong photovoltaic (panel surya), bull shit bgt.. di sini dapet matahari aja untung2an, mau ngomong PV.. Kalau mau pasang di Indonesia baru masuk akal.. Tapi boro2 masang PV, genteng aja pada banyak yg bolong.. :D..
Trus ngomongin tenaga nuklir, semua ngeliatnya ke chernobyl, Ukraina..
dll dll dll.. Masi banyak pro dan kontra..
Dan menurut dosen ku Prof Adrian Pitts, renewable energy yang paling efektif dan sudah reliable adalahhh....
Apa itu??
Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga BANYUUUU... Iya Aerrrrr....
Yah nggak kaget klo China mati-matian membangun dam terbesar di dunia.. Three Gorges Dam...
Cuma satu kendalanya, pembebasan tanah...!
Anyway, di paper ini, aku melihat ke-sustainabilitas-nya dari lokalitas.. Instead of perkembangan/riset teknologi renewable energy yang menurut saya (maaf) hanya mainannya negara berduit...
Btw, nggak tau kenapa, tadi siang aku pengen banget makan fish n chips.. Makanan paling berlemak dan berminyak.. Tapi enakk..
ikan dan kentang.. (jelek banget kalo di artiin)Oiya, satu lagi, tadi aku juga nonton bola di common room..
MU vs Porto.. 1-0 untuk MU..
itu komentatornya bukan andi darusalam kok.. beneran bukan..udah ah, mau tidur dulu.. besok mau finishing touch paper ku..
Jadi jumat, sabtu , minggu bisa weekend, sante, nonton film (download an)..
Another assignment is waiting to be done..
Si yu... thatha babay..
Heahhhh... After my verry lazyyyyyy week, my mood is already changed to assignment moodd now... yaaayyyyy...
Every I got up in the morning, my brain just want to typing typing and typing.. (its sounds impossible for an Ageng, but just do trust it, that really impossible... hahhahhaa.. No no no.. I'm serious..)
Errrr, my paper is talking about uhukkkuhukkk (*coughing) Renewable and Sustainable energy..
Boring, isn't it??
But well, it really is.. hahahhaha..
See, talking about wind farm, it being protesed everywhere because of its sound.. The famous term regarding wind farm is, "Please NIMBY (not in my back yard)"
Moving to PV (photovoltaic), very very big NO.. how can you get a benefit of PV while we just got sun shining "by luck".. even in summer period.. If its instaled in Indonesia maybe its gonna be fine, but instead of installing PV, better us to "look after our holed/leaked roof tile..." :D
Nuclear... hmmmm, every people still considering to chernobyl tragedy..
etc etc etc... Pros and cons still there..
Anddddd... according to my lecturer, Prof Adrian Pitts, the most effective and reliable renewable energy is Hydro power..
Thats why China got the largest Dan in the world.. Three gorges dam..
There's only one obstacle for hydro power, land liberation for build a dam itself..
Anyway, in my paper, I examine sustainability from locality point of view, instead of the cutting edge development and research over renewable energy technology which ,for me, (sorry) it just like a toy for rich country's to play with..
By the way, i dont know why, this afternoon i was craving to eat fish and chips.. The fatty-est and oilly-est food in universe.. but is nice..
fish and chipsAhhh, one more, today I watched football match in common room..
MU vs Porto.. 1-0 for MU..
my common roomOk then, i gotta sleep.. tommorow Im gonna finish up my paper, so I can have my weekend..
relax, watch movie, facebooking..
And monday??
Another assignment is waiting to be done..
C y.. bye for now..