Saturday 11 April 2009

My unproductive days

InshaAllah mulai post ini, aku bakal bikin dalam 2 bahasa.. karena berbagai permintaan dan kritik..

InshaAllah, starting from this post, I'll post in 2 languange.. as a result from some request and critic..

Ya Tuhannnnnn...
Kenapa sih aku nggak di kasi konsentrasi buat bikin tugas...
Kenapaaaa kenapa kenapaaa..??
Gila ngga sih, seminggu ini aku nggak ngapa-ngapain gitu.. padahal tugas kampus banyaaakkk amirrrrr... beghhhh..
Bukanya males ato gimana, tp nyang namanya otak ini udah bawaanya pengen nyante aja gitu.. fiuhhh..
dan parahnya lagi, beberapa temen juga bilang hal yg sama, mereka juga lagi susah konsen buta bikin tugas.. kambing nggak tuh.. ini kayak smua orang meng-Amin-i mood ku yang holiday..

Tapi aku udah bikin janji buat diriku sendiri.. mulai senen, aku bakal mulai buat tugas..
dan moga-moga berhasil.. Amin..

in English.

Oh Godddddd...
Why you don't give me a concentration for doing my assignment..
Why why whyy??
You know, I just did nothing during these week.. in fact I've got a lot assingment to do.. sighh..
This's not because I'm lazy or what.. but my brain just on holiday mood..
Oh dear..
And even worst thing occur when some of my friends told the same things.. they also found it hard to concentrate.. Arrrrrggghhhhh, its like all the people Amen-ing my mood..

But then, I promise to my self to start doing my assignment on Monday..
and hopefully its gonna work.. Amen..

(you are more than welcome to criticise my english)..


  1. why would anyone comment? way to go man...and by the way, me anish are also sailing in the same boat when it comes to assignments :P

  2. hohohoho.. thanks for stopping by..
    yep2, everybody does..

  3. it turns out to be very funny after you translated it into english. Not 'bad' funny, it's 'very good' funny!
    anyway, there are several words that you didn't translate into english..such as the 'kambing' word maybe?

  4. hahhahaha.. should I??
    ok well, kambing is a goat.. but then it makes sound weirddd...
